Migrated and deployed internal system N10.
Converted three perl command line scripts into a single PHP script to support the updating of frequency schedules from the High Frequency Coordination Committee (HFCC) to support the display of frequency and language schedules for domestic international broadcast stations in FCCdata. The new script reduces the updating process from 5 steps to 2 steps.
Updated table mexico.mex_folios to include new columns:
folio_type | varchar(1) | Folio type: C - Concession (active) P - Permission A - Authorization |
cons_type | varchar(1) | Concession type: B - Radio spectrum C - Unique concession U - Commercial use |
folio_status | varchar(1) | Folio status: A - Active C - Cancelled (no transition request) D - Defeated E - Cancelled (early termination) N - Not valid (next start of validity) P - In process of extension R - Terminated S - Surrendered X - Expired |
award_start_date | date | Award start date |
award_exp_date | date | Award expiration date |
trans_start_date | date | Date that transition may start |
trans_valid_date | date | Date that transition is in effect until |
reg_type | varchar(3) | Registration type: CPR - AM or FM radio construction permit CPT - TV construction permit L90 - Concession to provide 90 channels of television L95 - Concession to provide 95 channels of television LIA - Social Use concession (AfroMexican) LIB - Commercial concession LIC - Social Use concession (social commentary) LID - Commercial use LIE - Public use LIF - Single concession for commercial use LIG - Single concession for public use LIH - Single concession for social use LII - Social Use concession (indigenous) LIJ - Single concession for social use (AfroMexican) LIK - Single concession for social use (social commentary) LIM - Single concession for social use (indigenous) LIR - AM or FM radio concession LIP - Public Use concession LIS - Social Use concession LIT - TV concession SEC - Secondary use |
use_type | varchar(1) | Usage type: C - Commercial P - Public S - Social L - Social (Community) I - Social (Indidgenous) A - Social (AfroMexican) |
group_svc | varchar(4) | Group of services: AFOT - AM & FM radio, Open television AFPT - AM & FM radio, Private radiocommunications, Digital TV AFTV - AM & FM radio, Digital TV AFSW - AM, FM and shortwave radio AM - AM only AMFM - AM and FM AMTV - AM radio & Digital TV DTOT - Digital TV and Open television DTPR - Digital TV and Private radiocommunications DTV - Digital television FM - FM only FMPT - FM radio, Private radiocommunications, Digital TV FMTR - FM Radio & Restricted TV FMTV - FM radio & Digital TV IAMR - Internet, AM Radio, Restricted TV IFM - Internet & FM IFMT - Internet, FM Radio, Mobile telephone IFTD - Internet, FM Radio, Satellite, Local telephone, Data transmission IFTR - Internet, FM Radio, Restricted TV IFTV - Internet, FM Radio, Digital TV OTV - Open television RAAF - Restricted audio, AM and FM radio SW - Shortwave radio |
(note: The abbreviated codes used in the various fields are not official IFT designations, but are REC created based on information received from IFT in Spanish.)
Updated mexico.mex_tv_digital to add two new columns:
provider_type | varchar(1) | Type of provider supplying programming to the station. A - Applicant C - Other concessionaire P - Other permit holder T - Third party X - No information |
provider_name | varchar(100) | Name of provider. (Used when provider_type is C, P or T.) |
Created a new table, mexico.mex_ham with the following columns:
folio_id | varchar(18) | IFT Electronic Folio ID |
operator_name | varchar(100) | Name of the operator |
callsign | varchar(10) | Station call sign |
grant_date | date | Grant date |
city | varchar(100) | Municipality |
state | varchar(2) | State |
Built a new program that will replace three programs and some manual processes that will download, process and update the database with infrastructure and concession information from the IFT in Mexico for Mexican facilities. The new program will also download, process and update the database with a list of amateur radio callsigns and operators from Mexico. The amateur radio functionality for Mexico is new to REC and is currently not reflected in any system.
Loading Mexico will continue to be a lengthy manual process due to system changes made at the IFT. We are currently working on developing new code to replace several perl scripts that read the KMZ files provided by IFT which include technical parameters and patterns for Mexican facilities. This development will continue in the following days.