Updated CDBS database on System40 with the data from the last FCC CDBS data release on January 10, 2024.
Recoded a program that checks the latest LMS raw data for new application versions that were not processed by eLMS in order to assign an RECid to that application. This program will not be transitioned until later in the project.
At this time, we are reconsidering our transition strategy for the database including when to cut databases over to Sys40 and the eventual cut over of eLMS and the web applications.
Today, REC started an audit of our main database, which consists of 325 tables to determine which ones are obsolete/depreciated and which ones will move to System40 and a strategy of moving that data over from a timing perspective.
This audit will likely continue through the end of the week. Any cut over activity that takes place this weekend will be related to certain items in this database audit.
The audit is still in progress, but we have copied the data from 118 tables from Legacy to Sys40.