As REC Networks turns 40 years old in 2024, we are planning some major changes to our system infrastructure.
REC has been operating in the same legacy environment for the past 15+ years. During this time, the operating systems and commercial software that has been used in our online presentation have reached or is near reaching its end of life. In addition, we have been outgrowing the current operating environment and as such, the current environment has been limiting on the services we can provide.
Therefore, in 2024, REC is starting a new initative called System40. The System40 upgrades include:
- Converting REC from shared hosting to dedicated server hosting.
- A long overdue upgrade of the underlying operating system.
- Upgrade in system memory to address some of our workhorse applications.
- Increased storage space.
- Conversion of the content management system (CMS) used for and other REC sites to the most recent and supported versions.
This upgrade may give us the capabilities to explore the launching of new services as well as make long overdue improvements to our existing services.
Throughout 2024, we will be doing a conversion process that will completely rebuild our applications and move them to the new platform. This includes:
- eLMS and the rest of the REC DataStore.
- content and related applications.
- REC IPAWS Interface
- and many of our other services.
We will be announcing our progress through the Changelog and will be announcing major changes through the REC home page and on social media.
There may be some dust along the way while we work on this. Keep in mind though that all development will take place on a completely separate environment, therefore this work should not impact the day to day operations. This will be a slow moving project that will start after the close of the LPFM window and will go through 2024.
This page will also be updated with project updates.
Thank you for supporting REC!