Recoded toybox application N01A. This application is dependent on population JSON files originally generated by eLMS. Deployment of internal application N01 will at the time when the eLMS codebase is migrated to N01.
Recoded toybox application N01B.
Recoded Drupal pages in N01 in order to accept toybox applications.
N01 still needs a theme. N01 contingent on full eLMS conversion.
Recoded toybox source code for LPFM.APP.
On reconsideration, we have evaluated the benefits vs. resources available and will make the following changes to the project.
LPFM.APP is a temporary website to support REC clients who filed in the 2023 LPFM Filing Window. Once the post window processes are completed, the site is going to be discontinued. However, we will not keep Legacy up until the time when the window process ends (90 days after the last points public notice). Drupal 10 does not support the same methods of embedding interactive content like we had on Drupal 7 on Legacy. With that, will make LPFM.APP a standalone website that will include the interactive portion of the site. The non-interactive content will be moved to pages on the content platform. the REC concept to extend the FM broadcast band. As part of the previous 03-185 rulemaking proceeding, we made a presentation site to promote the concept. Since the 03-185 proceeding has concluded, this reduces the need for the presentation site. Instead of developing a new site on Drupal 10, we are going to rediect to the current WIDE-FM page on the content platform. Additional information about the concept will be presented through new content pages on The searches will be integrated into the toybox and can be reached through the content platform.
Made more code changes to LPFM.APP to make the program a standalone application (outside of Drupal) with the two remaining interactive features (customer portal and client LPFM channel search). Adding LPFM.APP to this weekend's cutover.