On LPFM.us, station listings are categorized based on a visibility status:
- Featured Station - Those that have been identified by REC for some unique reason. Featured Station listings are completely at the discretion of REC and cannot be specifically requested.
- Active - Stations that have made themselves known through high visibility and recent website or social media updates discovered during an inventory.
- Likely Active - Stations that have some visibility through website or social media but do not exhibit any recent updates or linking to a stream that is no longer active.
- TIS/Weather - Stations that have been previously determined to be public safety and there is no additional information that indicates that the station is engaged in an entertainment programming format.
- Satellite Network - Stations that have been identified either by REC or by the station is carrying certain satellite networks (EWTN, Relevant Radio, 3ABN, LifeTalk, Radio 74, GBN and New Tang Dynasty/Sound of Hope).
- Limited Information - Stations, which during the inventory, REC was not able to find the station through web searches or social media or that extremely limited information, which is not sufficent to construct a listing was found.
We have made a modification to myLPFM where stations that use the LPFM.us Directory Listing function (book icon) to update their information and have a current status of "Likely Active" or "Limited Information", will now have their LPFM.us status changed to "Active".
Stations that indicate a satellite network using the drop down on the myLPFM station listing page will be classified as a Satellite Network.
Stations that were originally classified as "TIS/Weather" will keep that status. If the station is truly operating an entertainment format in addition to public safety programming, they must contact REC Networks in order to have the station considered for an "Active" status.
LPFM stations that are currently listed as "Likely Active" or "Limited" that have previously provided information on myLPFM can "check in" and change their status to "Active" by simply accessing the LPFM.us Directory Listing function (book icon) and simply clicking the [Update listing on LPFM.us] button, even if their information is current.
It should be noted that when REC performs an inventory (about once per year), if a station marked as "Active" currently only meets the above criteria for "Likely Active" or "Limited Information", the status will be changed to one of those. To bring the station back to "Active", log into myLPFM and update the listing.
REC reminds LPFM stations that every LPFM station gets a listing that includes call sign, community of license, frequency and name of the station's licensee.
LPFM stations are eligible for a full listing (which includes station logo, moniker, website/social media links, format and links to streams) if they meet one or more of the following criteria:
- Facility has had a past historical spend of REC services (excluding donations but including tips) of at least $350;
- The station has signed up for myLPFM; or
- The station currently meets REC's PACE criteria..