FCC Rule sections that have been amended as a direct part of REC’s regulatory advocacy:
§73.807(a) |
Elimination of the intermediate frequency protection requirement in respect to domestic FM facilities. |
§73.807(g)(5) |
Codification of the international agreements between the US with Canada and Mexico. |
§73.807(g)(5)(i) |
The ability for LPFM stations operating within 125 km of the Mexican border to operate in 100 watts in all directions that are not towards the other country. |
§73.816(d) |
The use of directional antennas in LPFM for purposes other than public safety and second-adjacent waivers. |
§73.816(d)(3) |
Negotiating the exemptions to proof of performance for directional antennas used for the sole purpose of public safety, second-adjacent channel waivers and international agreements. |
§73.825 |
The ability to waive this rule with consent of the affected TV6 broadcaster as well as negotiating the ability to waive this rule upon a §74.1205 technical showing of no contour overlap. |
§73.850(d) |
Codifying the silent station policy. |
§73.860(b) |
Permitting the cross ownership of FM boosters. |
§73.865(a) |
Replacement of the 3-year holding period on all assignments to the 4-year hold on assignments in cases where the point system was used and only in cases where the proposed assignee would have an inferior comparative position. |
§73.865(c) |
Implementing the 18-month holding period before the assignment of construction permits where in the past, such assignments were prohibited in all cases. |
§73.870(a) |
Extension of the minor move distance from 5.6 km to 11.2 km or in cases where there is 60 dBu contour overlap between the current and proposed facility. |
§73.871(c) |
Extension of the minor amendment distance from 5.6 km to 11.2 km or in cases where there is 60 dBu contour overlap between the current and amended facility. |
§73.872(c) |
Limitation of 3 proponents to a time share group. |
§74.1203 |
Reduction of minimum listeners of a rural LPFM station serving a population of 5,000 persons or less to trigger a translator interference package from 6 to 3 complaints. |
§74.1204(a) |
Inclusion of LPFM stations operating directional antennas for the sole purpose of a second-adjacent waiver to be treated as non-directional in respect to translator protection. (by footnote in Sixth R&O) |
§74.1204(f) |
Reduction of minimum listeners of a rural LPFM station serving a population of 5,000 persons or less to trigger a translator interference package from 6 to 3 complaints. |