Anderton’s Multimedia Pro Audio Radio Tech Summit Keynote Available
If you missed “What’s Next?” — the visually explosive multimedia keynote by Craig Anderton at the first Pro Audio & Radio Tech Summit — you missed out on a wide-ranging, clear-eyed summary of how technology is changing every part of pro audio right in front of our eyes…and where it’s all headed.
The keynote presentation and all other Summit content is now available for free on demand. Musician/author Craig Anderton is an internationally recognized authority on music and technology. He has played on, produced, or mastered over 20 major label recordings and hundreds of tracks, authored 45 books on musical electronics, written over a thousand articles, lectured on technology and the arts (in 10 countries, 38 U.S. states, and three languages), and done sound design and consulting work for numerous music industry companies. He is the current president of the MIDI Association, and a longtime columnist for Pro Sound News.
[See the Full Pro Audio + Radio Tech Summit]
Craig AndertonThe presentation, like all parts of the summit, including the extensive panels on podcasting, House of Worship studio creation, immersive audio, an in-depth discussion on the audio production of this year’s Grammys with the show’s audio team, audio for audio education and more, is available for the viewing through April 30.
Meanwhile, the Radio Track features sessions on hybrid radio, AoIP, virtualization, streaming, business continuity and trends in transmission. These topics will be of interest to any radio broadcast manager or engineer who manages technology or uses it to advance their careers and business missions.
Click here to view the agenda and register for free to see any part of the summit.
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