26 years 5 months ago
By this Third Report and Order (R&O) the Commission amends the rules to: provide amateur and amateur-satellite operators co-primary status in the 77.5-78 GHz frequency band to ensure that future amateur station access to spectrum near 77 GHz is maintained without the threat of preemption by higher priority services; restrict amateur and amateur-satellite operations in the 76-77 GHz frequency band to ensure against potential interference to vehicle radar systems that we expect will operate in this band; adopt a spectrum etiquette for unlicensed devices operating in the 59-64 GHz frequency band to provide a spectrum etiquette that maximizes the number of users and minimizes the potential for interference in the 59-64 GHz band; and adopt spurious emission limits for unlicensed equipment operating in the 76-77 GHz frequency band to provide protection to radio astronomy operations in the 217-231 GHz band.
Federal Communications Commission
26 years 5 months ago
This Memorandum Opinion and Order (``MO&O'') clarifies the rules regarding the Arecibo Radio Astronomy Observatory (Observatory) Coordination Zone that covers the islands of Puerto Rico, Desecheo, Mona, Vieques, and Culebra within the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (the Puerto Rican Islands). This action will promote efficient coordination between the Observatory and service applicants in the Coordination Zone.
Federal Communications Commission
26 years 8 months ago
The Commission has released an order which extends the filing deadlines for comments on its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (FCC 98-25) regarding the Universal Licensing System. We also waive the rules that require the paper filing of comments and replies. Consequently, the electric filing of comments and replies will be permitted. These steps have been taken to permit more thorough, detailed comments and replies on the proposed rulemaking to be filed with the Commission. The effect will be to improve the quality of the Commission's final determinations in this rulemaking.
Federal Communications Commission
26 years 9 months ago
In this Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, the Commission sets forth proposals to consolidate the licensing rules into a single set of rules for all wireless radio services. The Commission's goal is to establish a streamlined set of rules that minimizes filing requirements as much as possible; eliminates redundant, inconsistent, or unnecessary submission requirements; and assures ongoing collection of reliable licensing and ownership data. These consolidated rules will eliminate duplication and inconsistencies that exist in the current rules. These proposed rules will make it easier for applicants to understand the licensing process and application requirements because there will be, if adopted, only one set of licensing rules.
Federal Communications Commission
26 years 10 months ago
This document corrects portions of the Commission's rules that were published in the Federal Register of January 15, 1998 (63 FR 2315).
Federal Communications Commission
27 years ago
In this Third Report and Order, the Commission adopts uniform competitive bidding rules for all future auctions. The Commission believes that these rule changes will simplify and streamline its regulations in order to increase the overall efficiency of the competitive bidding process. These rule changes are necessary to further the Commission's goals of simplifying and streamlining its regulations, and to develop uniform auction rules and procedures for all future auctions. The intended effect of this action is to adopt uniform final rules and procedures applicable to the Commission's spectrum auction program.
Federal Communications Commission
27 years ago
In the Second Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making (``NPRM''), the Commission seeks comment on a variety of proposed rules relating to its general competitive bidding rules for all auctionable services. The Commission believes that these proposals will assist its efforts to simplify and streamline its regulations in order to increase the overall efficiency of the competitive bidding process. These proposed rules are necessary to further the Commission's goals of simplifying and streamlining its regulations, and developing uniform auction rules and procedures for all future auctions. The intended effect of this action is to seek comment on proposed rules and procedures applicable to the Commission's spectrum auction program.
Federal Communications Commission
27 years 2 months ago
On September 12, 1997 (62 FR 47960), the Commission published final rules in the Second Memorandum Opinion and Order, which deals with the transition period for implementing new guidelines for human exposure to radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields; and the criteria for determining whether amateur radio stations must perform routine environmental evaluations for human exposure to RF fields. The Commission is correcting the amendatory language and table to ensure that the amendments are properly incorporated in the 1998 revision of the Code of Federal Regulations.
Federal Communications Commission
27 years 4 months ago
Federal Communications Commission
27 years 4 months ago
This Second Memorandum Opinion and Order amends the Commission's rules to refine and clarify the decisions adopted in the Report and Order, regarding the use of new guidelines and methods in the evaluation of the environmental effects of RF electromagnetic fields or emissions produced by FCC-regulated transmitters. The Commission believes its decisions provide a proper balance between the need to protect the public and workers from exposure to potentially harmful RF electromagnetic fields and the requirement that industry be allowed to provide telecommunications services to the public in the most efficient and practical manner possible.
Federal Communications Commission
27 years 5 months ago
The Commission adopts a Second Report and Order designating the frequency spectrum band between 47.2 and 48.2 GHz for commercial use on a licensed basis. The Commission decides to permit fixed, fixed- satellite, and mobile uses consistent with the Table of Frequency Allocations governing the band. The Commission also decides to define service rules in a future rulemaking, based on the dominant use of the spectrum, and finds that the most likely dominant use will be fixed, point-to-multipoint services delivered through the deployment of fixed platforms located in the stratosphere. The Commission adopts the proposal to license operations on an area-wide basis and determines to divide the spectrum into five pairs of license blocks of 200 megahertz each pair, with each pair separated by 500 megahertz of spectrum. These actions are taken to promote the commercial availability of millimeter wave technology in providing the potentially valuable uses of licensed spectrum above 40 GHz.
Federal Communications Commission
27 years 8 months ago
The Commission adopts a Second Report and Order, Order on Reconsideration, and Fifth Notice of Proposed Rulemaking in this proceeding. A summary of the Fifth Notice of Proposed Rulemaking portion of this decision was published in the April 7, 1997 issue of the Federal Register (62 FR 16514),and seeks comment on specific rules to be applied for the partitioning and disaggregation of LMDS licenses. The Second Report and Order designates an additional 300 megahertz of spectrum in the 31 GHz band to LMDS and adopts service rules for LMDS, as well as competitive bidding rules for LMDS spectrum. The Order on Reconsideration denies petitions for reconsideration of the Commission's dismissal of applications for waiver of the Commission's point-to-point rules governing the 28 GHz band. The Second Report and Order contains modified information collections subject to the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 and has been submitted to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for review under the PRA. OMB, the general public, and other Federal agencies are invited to comment on the modified information collections contained in this proceeding.
Federal Communications Commission
27 years 9 months ago
This action amends the amateur service rules to improve eligibility standards for a club station license, recognizes the role of volunteer examiner (VE) teams and session managers, establishes a special event call sign system, and authorizes a self-assigned indicator in the station identification announcement. The Commission declined to allow examination credit for licenses formerly held. The amendments are necessary in order to serve the amateur service licensees more effectively. The effect of this action is to improve license processing, increase operational flexibility, and minimize regulation.
Federal Communications Commission
27 years 10 months ago
The Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM), released March 3, 1997, seeks comment on proposed rules to allow amateur stations to transmit spread spectrum type emission technologies that employ additional spreading sequences. It also seeks comment on a proposal that each SS transmitter be required to automatically limit its power to that actually necessary to carry out the communications when the transmitter power exceeds 1 watt. This action is in response to a petition for rule making from the American Radio Relay League, Inc. The intent of the NPRM is to compile a record in sufficient detail for us to determine whether we should authorize amateur stations to use additional spread spectrum type emission technologies and whether such use would facilitate the ability of the amateur service to contribute to the development of SS communications.
Federal Communications Commission
27 years 10 months ago
On March 13, 1997, the Wireless Telecommunications Bureau of the Federal Communications Commission released a Public Notice establishing an expedited pleading cycle for oppositions and replies to oppositions to two petitions for reconsideration of the Commission's Report and Order establishing rules and policies for a new Wireless Communications Service (``WCS'') in the 2305-2320 and 2345-2360 MHz bands. The Public Notice summarizes the petitions for reconsideration and announces that oppositions to the petitions for reconsideration are due on or before March 21, 1997, and that replies to oppositions to the petitions for reconsideration are due on or before March 25, 1997.
Federal Communications Commission
27 years 10 months ago
On February 19, 1997, the Federal Communications Commission (``Commission'') adopted a Report and Order establishing rules and policies for a new Wireless Communications Service (``WCS'') in the 2305-2320 and 2345-2360 MHz bands. This action is being taken pursuant to the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act, 1997. The effect of this action is to make thirty megahertz of spectrum available for the provision of fixed, mobile, and radiolocation services, and satellite Digital Audio Radio Services.
Federal Communications Commission
27 years 11 months ago
This action seeks additional comment on waiver of the three year construction benchmark that IVDS lottery license winners must meet by March 29, 1997. It is necessary for the Commission to receive comment on the waiver request in order to determine if the waiver should be granted. The effect of the action will be to seek comment on the requested rule waiver.
Federal Communications Commission
28 years 1 month ago
This document contains corrections to the final rules adopted in the Report and Order regulations, which were published on August 7, 1996 (61 FR 41006). The rules relate to the permissible exposure limits from FCC-regulated transmitters as contained in Sec. 1.1307.
Federal Communications Commission
28 years 1 month ago
This Tenth Report and Order modifies the competitive bidding rules for the upcoming auction of Interactive Video and Data Service (IVDS) licenses as proposed by the Sixth Memorandum Opinion and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rule Making, In the Matter of Implementation of Section 309(j) of the Communications Act--Competitive Bidding. Specifically, the rule amendments include eliminating the bidding credits available to women- and minority-owned IVDS applicants and extending bidding credits to small businesses based upon a revised two-tiered small business definition, i.e., providing varying bidding credit amounts to small businesses of different sizes. The Tenth Report and Order also clarifies the attribution rules for affiliates of IVDS applicants, and amends the competitive bidding rules to increase the amount of the upfront payments required to participate in the IVDS auction. The intended effect of this action is to establish the competitive bidding rules for the upcoming auction of IVDS licenses.
Federal Communications Commission
28 years 2 months ago
By this Notice of Proposed Rule Making (``NPRM''), the Federal Communications Commission (``Commission'') proposes to establish a new Wireless Communications Service (``WCS'') in the 2305-2320 and 2345- 2360 MHz bands. This action is being taken pursuant to the Omnibus Consolidated Appropriations Act, 1997 (``Appropriations Act''). The intended effect of this action is to make thirty megahertz of spectrum available for the provision of fixed, mobile, radiolocation services, or satellite Digital Audio Radio Services (``satellite DARS'').
Federal Communications Commission